E-Kata competition 2021 Frequently-Asked-Questions
1. How do I register for the e-Kata competition?
Participants are required to register and complete the details via the registration form and submit the video recording of their respective Kata(s).
2. Do I need to pay for the registration fees for the competition?
The e-Kata event is complimentary for GRKAS students.
3. How many Kata must each participant submit?
Participants are to perform at least 1 Kata (compulsory). However, we encourage participants to perform at least 2 kata, at an event of a tie-score outcome.
4. When will the results be known?
The results will be made known after 1 week from the end of the competition.
5. What is the maximum video size allowed for the video submission of the Kata(s)?
Each video recording file size submission is strictly up to 200 MB (compressed). We seek your understanding on this.
6. How will the finals be held?
The final bouts for each category will be held via the Zoom platform. All finalists will be informed of the final bout details after the end of the competition dateline.